Jour de fête
Bad womxn, Ogers, Giants, Monsters, Clowns, Firebreathers, Scissorors. Garbage truck races, Big drinking parties, Magic tricks, Garbage truck races, Spring cleaning, Laughter, Sexualities, Garbage truck, Collapses, Selected archivexs, Overflow, Broken coeurexs, Collective pee, Fires, Tears that flow freely, Garbage trucks, Explosion of red wine bottles.
Invited by Tunnel Tunnel, Léa Katharina Meier presents her first book in collaboration with graphic designer Gaëlle Renaudin. Jour de fête consists of a series of drawings and a tale about the story of The Ghost Tempérance-Vin-Ouverte [Temperance-Open-Wine] and Lae Grandex-Aspirateureusex-Des-Sentiments [The Big-Feelings-Swallower] in La Ville-Nommée-Désire [The City-Named-Desire].
This publication was produced with the generous support of The City Lausanne, the Service of Cultural Affairs of the Canton de Vaud, Fonds Respect, the Leenaards Foundation, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and the Jan Michalski Foundation.