collective fragments is a performative process and an experimental piece, which takes place during five days at Tunnel Tunnel. This collective is formed by performers and participants from all fields and is open to all upon registration.
By sharing practices in a safe space and in a relaxed setting in a collective way, the space becomes a laboratory where an ephemeral, sprawling, rhizomatic community of people can explore what a body can do or what bodies can do together, what bodies are and mean to each other; how they can share space, presence and energy. Each dance is rooted somewhere and has a powerful and transformative potential.
The week is structured in daily body and choreographic practices in the morning, followed by gatherings, shared storytelling and explorations indoors and in the public space. We will dance and practice wild inclusion. A compilation of texts, videos, images and other scores will be collected and exhibited: from postmodern dance, somatics or anthropology to ecology and speculative sciences, activism, queer theory and practices (Simone Forti, Trisha Brown, Eva Karczag, Vincianne Desprets, Nastassja Martin, Helene Cixous, Philipp Descola, Arudathi Roy, Donna Haraway, Timothy Morton, Audre Lorde, Sara Ahmed and more).