Jardin d'Hiver #1 image

A new platform for the region’s contemporary art scene, Jardin d’Hiver is a biennial exhibition organized at the MCBA – Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne. Under the direction of the art critic and freelance curator Jill Gasparina, the show Comment peut-on être (du village d’à côté) persan (martien)? makes the principle of collage its own.

As part of this exhibition, Tunnel Tunnel focused on the museum’s collection, as reflecting societal, political and historical issues. In a dedicated space, four works from the collection – by artists Christine Boumeester, Véra Pagava, Françoise Chaillet and Leonora Carrington – were hung, and the publication Collection publique, edited for the occasion, was made available to the public. The book brings together contributions by members of the collective, ranging from an exploration of database arcades, speculative narrations, accounts of political action, proposals for alternatives to the dominant narrative, personal reflections, and institutional critique.