‘I see a jungle. I see brightly colored birds flying. I see a mountain – a volcano, the jungle covering its flanks. Next the mountain, I see a cave. And we can descend till the fire.’
Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex and Politics

It is not always an easy task to distinguish the boundaries between the inside and the outside – be them from the body, the group, or the collective, those of the ‘middle’ – and yet these boundaries sometimes delineate places alien to the self, where one does not feel allowed to enter. They nonetheless determine possible links to the other, to ‘others’.

Tunnel Tunnel invites the activist and performer Martin Schick and the ‘formation continue continue’ group, a collective formed at the end of a group session given at La Manufacture (Haute Ecole des Arts de la Scène de Lausanne), to propose a 4-days physical, reflective and active workshop. Through this proposition, the goals are to expand speech, to weave links with what we know the least, to get out of one’s comfort zone, to walk towards the uncanny.

This workshop is addressed to artists and actors of the art scene (in the broadest sense) who wish to question their privileges, who wish to create connections, elsewhere and differently. This workshop is also open to any interested person, if places are still available (maximum 20 people).

Workshop from Monday 29.04.19 to Thursday 02.05.19, 10:00-14:00

Body training based on the Bodyweather technique at Tunnel Tunnel

Experiences / Residencies / Meetings outside the scene in the Tunnel district.

If you are interested in taking part in this workshop, please register at tunneltunnel.lausanne@gmail.com.