Bed Romance image

The colors explode. They speak too loud. This saturated decor is the epicenter of the body’s tremors. The territory where stories with fluid identities unfold, that paint the features of fantasized, exaggerated but necessary visions. Stories one can stroke with one fingertips, as if in between bedsheets. Inside the satin waves lie deep emotions, which covertly prepare an insurrection of emotions. In this exuberant but modest theater of introspection, the characters seem too good to be bad, too suave to be truly good, but never bad enough to inspire rejection. An erotic sweetness shrouded in adolescent reveries where the body is above all the battleground of great questionings: what to do to face the world, who to be in the solitude of the group, what to detect in the reflection of smooth surfaces, who to become in the half-light of the bed sheets? And what if this fiction was not more real than the artificial truth that we transmit to each other like a virus?

Jérémy Dafflon (1996) lives and works in Geneva. He is currently studying for a Bachelor’s degree in visual arts at the HEAD-Geneva. Nelson Schaub (1995) lives and works in Geneva. He is currently a Work.Master student at HEAD-Geneva.