Matrices noires image

Matrices Noires is a project proposed by Noémi Michel and Gianmaria Andreetta around the book Nous qui versons la vie goutte à goutte ; féminismes, économie reproductive et pouvoir colonial à La Réunion by Myriam Paris (We who spill life drop by drop; feminisms, reproductive economy and colonial power in Reunion Island).

Matrices Noires is a reading and writing workshop in three parts, and a moment of conversation with the researcher Myriam Paris around her book. Each session is devoted to a different part of Myriam Paris’ book and brings together a different group of participants. The goal of each of these sessions consists of discussing Paris writings, in articulation with excerpts from Hortense Spillers’ text Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe, in order to produce questions, reflections and elements of a skeleton for the conversation with Myriam Paris that alonng the series of meetings.

The workshops are conducted in a collaborative manner according to a dramaturgy and narrative architecture that Noémi Michel and Gianmaria Andreetta have prepared beforehand, with the aim of favoring a guided and situated improvisation. These three sessions as well as the conversation with Myriam Paris form the material from which Gianmaria Andreetta and Noémi Michel will realize an editorial and sound project (book to be published in 2023 tbc) in collaboration with the artist Ka(ra)mi and co-edited with Tunnel Tunnel.

With: Gianmaria Andreetta and Noémi Michel, co-organizers and participants; Inès El Shikh, Vista Eskandari, Yasmeen Chaudhry, and Idil Abdulle of the Collectif Faites des Vagues; Larissa Tiki Mbassi who collaborated with Inès, Vista and Noémi in her seminar; Lucie Mercier and Franck F. Ekué, members of Hortense Spillers’ translation collective; the curatorial team of Tunnel Tunnel; and Myriam Paris.